In this short guide you will learn how to configure Java_Home in Windows 10
Nota Bene: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK directory not a JRE
Step 1: Open Advanced System Settings
You can do that with this shortcut combination = Win Key + Pause Break or Go to Control Panel – >System
Step 2: After clicking on Advanced System Settings the next window will pop-up
Step 3: Select Environment Variables.
Then in Environment Variables Window under System variables select New…
Step 4: After that you need to update System PATH
a) In “Environment Variables” window under “System variables” select Path
b) Click on “Edit…”
c) In “Edit environment variable” window click “New”
d) Type in %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Step 5. Now you can test your Java PATH configuration
Open the Command prompt and type in:
echo %JAVA_HOME%
Tthis will print out the directory JAVA_HOME if everything is all right or print an empty line if the environment variable is not set correctly
Then type:
java -version
This this will print out the version of the java compiler if the Path variable is set correctly or “javac is not recognized as an internal or external command…”
That’s it.